Tuesday, December 11, 2012

History of Nintendo Game Console

History of Nintendo Game Console - In the era of the 1980s to the late 1990s, Nintendo had reached its heyday. For those of you who grew up in the span of the year, would never feel the booming Japanese console controls the world market.

But not just Nintendo NES. Because some products actually made Satoru Iwata et al also plenty of choice for fans of the game at that time.

Who is not familiar with the Mario Bros., Donkey Kong, Legend of Zelda, or shooting games like Duck Hunt? All games ever to feel the height of his popularity when the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) exploded in the market.

Tread Nintendo history from time to time interesting to review again. Because after Nintendo is a trend setter in the gaming industry. These nostalgic Nintendo products, as we quoted from the Telegraph, Monday (12/03/2012).

Nintendo Game & Watch

This could be the first portable gaming console from Nintendo. Given the name Nintendo Game & Watch, manufactured between 1980 and 1991.

This portable game is a game that uses a single LED screen. So one console only have 1 game only.

At that time, at least 59 games released to the market, including the most successful, Donkey Kong, Legend of Zelda and Mario Bros..

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).

Some people know him as Nintendo, but the one that has a long name Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).

First introduced in Japan in 1983, NES began melanglangbuana in 1985 in North America and Europe 1986.

NES itself is a console-based 8-bit game. Several years later, couples get a NES controller NES zapper gun.

Super Nintendo

Success with the NES, the Japanese company is making a sequel as Super Nintendo Entertainment System or better known as the Super Nintendo. These devices get an increase to 16-bit.

In his time, the device was released in 1990 in Japan, 1991 in North America and 1992 in Europe and Asia. Super Mario World, Street Fighter II and SimCity achieve success with this device.

Virtual Boy

No, no. This is not a tool for grilling barbeque, but this is the first 3D console Nintendo makers, called the Virtual Boy.

Indeed, his name familiar to some circles, it's natural because the product is not sold except in Japan and the United States.

The device is claimed by Nintendo to use true 3D graphics, Virtual Boy also comes with a headset to see images from 2D to 3D. Unfortunately, the 3D graphics display turns getting criticism from various circles.

It also became one of the causes of the Virtual Boy failed in the market.

Game Boy

Who is his childhood after school, squat while playing Nintendo Boy bound by the merchant? Yes, this is the Nintendo Game Boy, sebuat portable gaming console that can steal the show in the 1990's.

Indeed, the Game Boy was released in 1989 in Japan and the United States. While still carrying the 8-bit Game Boy is much more inferior than consoles Game and Watch, especially in terms of design.

Game Boy Color

Successor to the Game Boy present smaller, slimmer, with a bigger and AB button batteries better than ever.

As the name implies, Game Boy Color, comes with full color graphics. These devices hit the market in 1998.

Nintendo 64

1996 or 1997 began the era of 64-bit, in which the Nintendo 64 to the first in a family of Nintendo. The device is classified as a success, because it is able to sell 32.93 million units worldwide.


Present in 2001, the GameCube was released by Nintendo to compete with their arch-rivals, Sega Dreamcast and new challengers from Microsoft Xbox and Sony PlayStation 2.

As is known, to play this console, the GameCube uses MiniDVD. GameCube also made a breakthrough, as the Nintendo console that supports online gameplay.


Launched in 2006, the Nintendo Wii is the console with significant changes being changed by Nintendo since the Nintendo 64.

There are innovations offered by these devices, one of which is in addition to the Wii Remote makes players not only silent, but asked to move to play.

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